My year in Turkey exceeded every one of my expectations and taught me some of the most important lessons I've learned to date. And it was by far the greatest experience of my life so far.
I can't believe that my journey started a year ago and that I have been home for almost two months. I must say that my trip through readjustment has been much harder than I ever expected. I never knew how much I could miss a place that I only discovered a year ago and the life that I built myself there. I adopted a lot of very Turkish habits while I was gone and those haven't always meshed well with an American life. School is so much harder than I imagined it would be, but there is a lot that has been really great since I've returned home.
I've reunited with all my friends and family. I've visited a few colleges and got some ideas of what I may want for the next 4 years of my life. I've started my senior year and gotten to partake in some of our senior traditions. I've restarted cross country running and even had my first meet yesterday. I've volunteered at the arrival orientation for AFS students coming to my area.
So even though it has been a major struggle to readjust to American life, it's also been a joy. I will forever remember my time abroad but now it's time for the next chapter of my life. I think I will keep blogging occasionally but I don't know how often. So thank you to everyone who use reading this and who followed along the whole time I was gone! Görüşürüz!