Today is the last day of 2014. And I can not believe that. Because I can remember exactly what I was doing on December 31, 2013 and it seems like it was yesterday. I was dreaming about being in a foreign country living my dream of studying abroad one year from then. And now, here I am. I am living that dream. A year ago, I hadn't even submitted my YES Abroad application and when I thought of my year abroad, I imagined it would be in Morocco or India, but never did I think I would be here. But I am so glad that I am.
2014 was an incredibly difficult year, but every single part of it was worth it. It was the year that I got to meet some of the coolest people ever at IPSE and PDO. It was the year I got to realize how much I love my home, my school, my family, and my friends in the US when I left them. It was the year I stepped on the plane that brought me to a new life that I never could have imagined. It was the year that I gained two new families: my host family and the family I've found in other exchange students and especially the exchange students here with me. It was the year that I started on the craziest adventure of my life.
And throughout this adventure, I've learned so much about myself. I have learned so many lessons this year and I am so glad to have been able to learn them through such an amazing experience. So, here are 14 lessons that I learned in 2014!
2. When you are sad or upset about something, telling someone can help so much. Sometimes having someone tell you that it is ok and offer words of encouragement can make you feel a 100x better.
3. In the same way, if you are happy, share that too. You might cheer someone else up with your energy and at least you will have someone else to celebrate with.
4. Gaining a few pounds is not the end of the world. I'm not thrilled about the weight I have gained here, but I've realized that it isn't permanent and if it means I get to enjoy the delicious Turkish food more than it is 100% worth it.
5. Not being perfect does not make you a failure, and as long as you are trying, that is all that is important. I am so far from perfect and I spend all day every day making mistakes, in the language and the culture of this new place, but I've realized that that does not mean that I am not succeeding at what I am doing. I am trying every single day and that is what matters.
6. It is possible to feel completely at home and incredibly awkward all at once. I so often find myself feeling comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time here. It's a very strange feeling but one I have gotten used to.
7. No matter what, try your hardest to not make a big deal out of other people's differences, whether it be a disability, race, etc. Being constantly stared at here wears on me overtime and it has made me realize how terrible it is to have people stare at you just because you look different.
8. Fake it until you make it can sometimes be a good plan of attack. When I'm confused here, I just pretend that I know what's happening until I figure it out. When I feel like crying, I paste a smile on my face until I feel better. And eventually, things work themselves out.
9. It's your life, so live it the way that you want to. If that means leaving everything and moving to a foreign country, do it. If it means quitting the job you were miserable at, going to a new school, whatever, just do it. You will be so much happier that you did. And don't ever let anyone make you feel bad for living how you want. It is your choice and your life. Do what is best for you.
10. Appreciate what you have. Being away from everything that was once important to me for almost 4 months now has given me so much appreciation for everything that I had. While I am still living in a place where I have most of the "American necessities" (real shower, etc.), even just being away from your family can make you want to appreciate them so much more once you are back with them.
11. Make every effort you can to travel. Where you live is such a tiny piece of everything that is out in the world, and you will never know what anything else is like if you don't travel. Seeing how other people's lives are different and the same as mine was in the US has opened my eyes so much, and now I can't wait until I can travel even more.
12. Laugh! Laugh about anything and everything. Laugh everywhere. Laugh when you are happy and when you are sad. Laugh at yourself. Laughter is the best medicine and it always makes me feel better.
13. Try and live in the present. I am as guilty of not doing this as the next person, but since I've been in Turkey, I've realized that I can't spend all my time remembering the past or dreaming about the future. But I've realized if you are always living in the future, there isn't going to be anything to remember later. You only get one chance to live the moments you are in right now, so try to really live in them.
14. Every once in a while, stop and look at how great your life really is. This experience has been anything but easy, and when I start to get really done, I take a minute and look around and realize how amazing this life I'm living really is. I'm getting to live in a gorgeous country, with some of the friendliest people I've ever met, and the best food I've ever heard the pleasure of eating when I'm only 16. Many people will never get to have an experience like this and I get to do it when I am so young (not to mention it's free). No matter what, life can be pretty beautiful when you really look around.
2014 has been a pretty amazing year for me. I wouldn't trade the adventures and lessons, the memories and the laughs from this year for the world. 2014 will always hold a special place in my heart, for being the year I found a new place for myself, over 6000 miles from the only place I ever thought I would have a home. I will always remember this year, for every single part of it. It hasn't always been good and it hasn't always been easy, but it has always been worth it.
I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for me. I know that it will only bring more adventures and more wonderful memories and I can't wait to face it all. To everyone who made 2014 what it was, thank you so much! Here's to what I know will be another wonderful year! Happy New Year! Mutlu yıllar!
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