Sunday, November 9, 2014

Two Months!

          As of last Wednesday, I have now been in this country for two months. I don't really know how to describe how that realization makes me feel. In so many ways, it feels like yesterday that I got on that plane in Albuquerque and began the long journey to my new life. But in so many other ways, it feels like I have been here so much longer. And realizing that 20% of my exchange year is gone is strange and saddening. 
          In some ways, I thought that I would have it all figured out by now. I figured I would have friends who I felt really comfortable with by now. I thought I would be confident finding my way all around this city and that I would go out all the time. I thought I would be able to communicate easily in Turkish. I thought I would have run out of "firsts" by now. But none of that is true. Although I have friends, I'm not super close with any of them and I'm not entirely comfortable when I'm with them. I've gone out some, but I still haven't seen very much of the lovely city I now call home. Far from being confident in my Turkish abilities, I usually don't even feel comfortable in simple conversations. 
          But in many ways, I'm glad that the things I thought would have happened by now, haven't happened. I've realized that I never want to run it of firsts this year. I've already had so many firsts. The first time I heard the call to prayer in my new city, the first time I walked into my class, the first time I took a Turkish bus, the first time I went out by myself. And I know that all of those things that I haven't done yet are going to lead to many more firsts in the next couple of months. The first time I feel completely comfortable with my new friends, the first time I go to a new place I found somewhere in the city, the first time I have a conversation in Turkish where I don't have to think ridiculously hard to be able to come up with responses. I can't wait for these firsts and the many more that I'm sure I will have in the next 8 months that I am here. 
          And though I haven't done many of the things I thought I would have by now, I have gotten to do and see some truly amazing things. I've swum in the Meditteranean and the Aegean seas, I've gotten to experience a traditional Kurban Bayramı, I've gotten to visit Cappadocia and see some insanely beautiful things, I've gotten to see how another family lives, I've gotten to find a new family in the other exchange students here with me. I've seen and done so many things that I never dreamed I would ever do in just two months here and I can't wait to see all the amazing things that the rest of this year will bring.

          I've loved the sunset for as long as I can remember. Although I love the sunsets I see every time my family is in Florida, the sunsets in Albuquerque, with their vivid colors and beautiful clouds, will always be my favorites. Often, I look at the sunsets here and they remind me so much of the ones at home. If I look just at  the sunset, it's almost like I'm home again. And while sometimes a sunset can be sad, marking the end of another day and the steady passing of time, I love them for making the ending of the day just as beautiful as the rest of the day. 

          As always, thank you so much for reading my random thoughts and ramblings. I hope everyone has a good week this week. Hoşçakal!

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